February 29, 2020

Just Cozy (Upper Canada Mall)-last day 最後今天

<<Upper Canada Mall, Ontario>>
Closing sale until 9pm today, Entire store $10 per item
今天9pm 關門, 所有貨品一律$10
Lots of scarf and leggings, pretty good quality
很多質量不錯的圍巾, 襪褲
only few hours left

February 28, 2020

Free Online Courses 免費網上課程

Learning for free, why not?    坐在家裡沒事做?  不如上網學習。 

From Baking to Astronomy, many FREE courses to choose from.  
上至天文, 下至烹飪。

Go to www.udemy.com , search for or filter by "FREE"
只要到  www.udemy.com 輸入或篩選"FREE"便可。

Most courses come with English subtitles, but there are also courses in other languages.         大部份有英語字幕, 也有中文課程喔。 

If you want to equip yourself, I would recommend Excel / Powerpoint courses.
If you want to take advantage of the current stock market, you can take Stock/ Trading courses.
If you want to set up your home business, there are some Web Design / Digital Marketing courses.
If you want to add fun to your daily life, you can take the baking /cooking courses.

如果你想為未來工作裝備自己,我會推薦Excel / Powerpoint課程。

Let's start learning!  一起學習吧!

February 22, 2020

PIER 1 IMPORTS Closing Sale 結業清貨

All locations 所有店面
Mostly 20%off, Furniture 40%off
大部份八折, 傢俱六折
Many pillows and throw blanket
All final sale, no refund
90% on X'max items
Staff kept refilling candles ans accessories

February 07, 2020

SDM - Clearout section 清貨區

Look around when you fill your prescription! Do you know there is a huge Clearout section in each Shoppers Drug Mart?

你知道Shoppers Drug Mart 有特價區嗎?  配藥時記得看看喔

I just found my favorite Taiwanese Facial Mask on sale, it will not be expired until months

我剛剛找到我最喜歡的台灣面膜在做特價, 有效期還有好幾個月哩!!
Some of the items are good for Valentine's Day too, such as these Tylor Swift Perfume.

有些還可以當作情人節禮物呀, 好像Tylor Swift香水。  

Your store may have different stock, go and take a look!
每家有些不一樣的特價貨啦, 你去逛逛吧!

February 05, 2020

UV light Sanitizer 紫外光殺菌機 From $39.99

New way to kill bacteria and germs, especially on your phone!

新殺菌方法, 特別在你的手機上。

Hand Held for Home or Office 手提式, 適用於家或辦公室

February 03, 2020

Heated blanket 電熱毛毯 $34.98 Only

Best deal ever $34.98 until Feb 5 at Factory Direct; Sunbeam with good review.  90 days warranty; tried for one night and still loving it!  

一直想買一張電熱毛毯, 終於找到這張只需$34.98. Sunbeam 有好評,有90 日保養。 在Factory Direct, 優惠到二月五日。 試用了一晚, 我很滿意!

Amazon is selling the below similar one for $89.91, and Factory Direct has the exactly same one for $39.99 only.

Amazon 賣下面這張類似的$89.91, 而Factory Direct 有同一張只是$39.99. 

They have 21 stores across Canada, visit their website for the nearest location near you! 



February 01, 2020

Winterlicious 冬季美食節 (Toronto)

Until Feb 13, you can enjoy meals at some Toronto restaurants with a lower price.

直至二月十三日, 可以優惠價在多倫多的一些餐廳用膳。 

If you have never been to Casa Loma, I would highly recommend that.  $40 includes an afternoon tea and the admission to the castle!
(Unfortunately, tickets have been sold out in one day)

如果你沒有到過Casa Loma, 我非常推薦他們的體驗活動。 $40 已包含古堡入場費和下午茶!

Another one, a very popular restaurant with a spectator Toronto view - Canoe.  It is now under renovation and is not participating the Winterlicious this year!

此外,很受歡迎而坐擁多倫多美境的Canoe 正在裝修而不會參加!

Although the two I highly recommend are not available, you still have lots of choice from the list.

雖然, 我推薦的兩家餐廳都訂不到, 你還有很多選擇!

Most popular Miku and Bymark usually run out fast, make your reservation ASAP!

比較受歡迎的Miku 跟Bymark 等很快爆滿, 快快訂坐啦!
