February 28, 2020

Free Online Courses 免費網上課程

Learning for free, why not?    坐在家裡沒事做?  不如上網學習。 

From Baking to Astronomy, many FREE courses to choose from.  
上至天文, 下至烹飪。

Go to www.udemy.com , search for or filter by "FREE"
只要到  www.udemy.com 輸入或篩選"FREE"便可。

Most courses come with English subtitles, but there are also courses in other languages.         大部份有英語字幕, 也有中文課程喔。 

If you want to equip yourself, I would recommend Excel / Powerpoint courses.
If you want to take advantage of the current stock market, you can take Stock/ Trading courses.
If you want to set up your home business, there are some Web Design / Digital Marketing courses.
If you want to add fun to your daily life, you can take the baking /cooking courses.

如果你想為未來工作裝備自己,我會推薦Excel / Powerpoint課程。

Let's start learning!  一起學習吧!