February 03, 2020

Heated blanket 電熱毛毯 $34.98 Only

Best deal ever $34.98 until Feb 5 at Factory Direct; Sunbeam with good review.  90 days warranty; tried for one night and still loving it!  

一直想買一張電熱毛毯, 終於找到這張只需$34.98. Sunbeam 有好評,有90 日保養。 在Factory Direct, 優惠到二月五日。 試用了一晚, 我很滿意!

Amazon is selling the below similar one for $89.91, and Factory Direct has the exactly same one for $39.99 only.

Amazon 賣下面這張類似的$89.91, 而Factory Direct 有同一張只是$39.99. 

They have 21 stores across Canada, visit their website for the nearest location near you! 

