February 07, 2020

SDM - Clearout section 清貨區

Look around when you fill your prescription! Do you know there is a huge Clearout section in each Shoppers Drug Mart?

你知道Shoppers Drug Mart 有特價區嗎?  配藥時記得看看喔

I just found my favorite Taiwanese Facial Mask on sale, it will not be expired until months

我剛剛找到我最喜歡的台灣面膜在做特價, 有效期還有好幾個月哩!!
Some of the items are good for Valentine's Day too, such as these Tylor Swift Perfume.

有些還可以當作情人節禮物呀, 好像Tylor Swift香水。  

Your store may have different stock, go and take a look!
每家有些不一樣的特價貨啦, 你去逛逛吧!