February 01, 2020

Winterlicious 冬季美食節 (Toronto)

Until Feb 13, you can enjoy meals at some Toronto restaurants with a lower price.

直至二月十三日, 可以優惠價在多倫多的一些餐廳用膳。 

If you have never been to Casa Loma, I would highly recommend that.  $40 includes an afternoon tea and the admission to the castle!
(Unfortunately, tickets have been sold out in one day)

如果你沒有到過Casa Loma, 我非常推薦他們的體驗活動。 $40 已包含古堡入場費和下午茶!

Another one, a very popular restaurant with a spectator Toronto view - Canoe.  It is now under renovation and is not participating the Winterlicious this year!

此外,很受歡迎而坐擁多倫多美境的Canoe 正在裝修而不會參加!

Although the two I highly recommend are not available, you still have lots of choice from the list.

雖然, 我推薦的兩家餐廳都訂不到, 你還有很多選擇!

Most popular Miku and Bymark usually run out fast, make your reservation ASAP!

比較受歡迎的Miku 跟Bymark 等很快爆滿, 快快訂坐啦!
