May 05, 2020

Free Virtual Care 免費虛擬診斷 (ON, AB & BC only)

If you have health issues but do not feel comfortable to visit and wait at the clinic or hospital, you could try this virtual care service for FREE as long as you have a valid health card in Alberta, British Columbia or Ontario (i.e. OHIP, AHCIP or MSP).   It also offers free prescription medication delivery; and may able to arrange a doctor who can speak your preferable language.  

假如你身體不適又不想到醫院或診所排隊, 你可試用網上診症。  持有有效的安省, 卑詩省或亞省保健卡(即OHIP, AHCIP 或MSP)者完全免費。  服務包括配藥送貨, 及可安排中文診症。