January 27, 2022

Free Orchestra Performance 在線免費看交響樂

To watch Toronto Symphony Orchestra Gimeno Conducts Beethoven online for FREE, sign up by January 27 at 11:59pm EST.  
在線要免費看多倫多交響樂團演出Gimeno Conducts Beethoven,在東岸時間 1 月 27 日晚上 11:59 之前註冊。

A link will be emailed to you, and you can watch the performance online from January 28 7:30pm through February 3, 2022.

註冊後會把連結電郵給你,你就可在 1 月 28 日晚上 7:30 至 2 月 3 日期間在線觀看演出。